Celebrate Your Blessings Daily!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Disturbing 'talent'...

Although this isn't really inspiring, I've had this series of experiences a couple of times and don't really know what to do with this energy so I figured it's something I'm supposed to write about.
On May 17th, I was returning a book from my classes for a refund and needed something to fill the box with so the book wouldn't shift around. I had these old Entertainment Weekly magazines that I'd never looked at so I decided what better way to recycle them? I started ripping pages, crumbling them and tossing them into the box until I got to this article. I notice a picture of Gary Coleman under the heading of deaths and I'm like, "Oh my God, Gary Coleman's dead and this is the best picture they could find?" However, the current day is in May, the article was from a January edition and if you look to the left, his topic is under 'Arrested'. For some reason, I finished tearing pages from this edition and kept it. While watching an episode on Boondocks 11 days later, a caption popped up in remembrance of his passing May 28th.
That same week, I was putting in a Netflix order online and had this haunting urge to rent 'Blue Velvet'. Now if you've ever seen this macabre movie, it's not the kind of movie you want to revisit unless you're in a seriously dark mood so I watched 'Requiem to a Dream' instead. (:-), I'm serious!) Sunday, May 30th, we received a delivered edition of 'The Sun' newspaper because Demetrius wanted to get the news in paper form and this was our first copy since he ordered it. Looking at the first page, I scrolled down to the very bottom and with a small picture and a few lines was the memorial of Dennis Hopper, who starred in the grim tell, where I had unknowingly heard that he passed away in Venice, CA as well.
However, my most frightening experience was last year. Although my son no longer has his Brotherlocks, I was working on retightening his hair for the last time in early Summer 2009. If anyone knows my son, they will know that ever since he could walk, he (with the help of my Mom~R.I.P.) was the most loyal fan that Michael Jackson could ever have. We were watching a VHS (yes, not DVD!) of Moonwalker and it was definitely seeing it's last days. I had asked Martell why didn't he just break down and buy the DVD and he said because it wasn't available; he'd tried the year before. So I told him to do a search again this year because if anything ever happened, "to that boy, you'll never get a copy". So we ordered it and he died 6 days later. Puzzling even more so, there was this killer rain storm the moment I heard it~it was a force like how he portrayed his videos~I could almost hear that 'scream' that he used to do with chaotic winds. I remember the rains flooding I-25 and Colorado BLVD in like minutes and then as quickly as it blew in, it left with a strange calm.
And finally (yes, this is all just within a few weeks), my sister calls me to tell me that African Story Teller Opalanga Pugh died on June 5 ( http://www.essence.com/news/hot_topics_4/opalanga_pugh_professional_storyteller_d.php ), and had I heard so I could relay the info to a friend of mine who went to college with her. After chatting for about 15 minutes, I hung up the phone to dial my friend and her name popped on caller I.D. So I was like, "Hi...and I guess you know that I know why you are calling me?" And she answered, "To tell you Opalanga passed away?" and I said, "That's right because of course my sister was worried that you didn't know so now that we've all tele-communicated...", and she ended with, "Alrighty then? That's basically all I had called you to inform you about." I finished with, "Ok, you take care then...and thanks for the connection."
As Forest Gump quoted, "And that's all I have to say about that..."

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