Celebrate Your Blessings Daily!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Seeing more clearly...

About a month ago, I started having some slight vision problems while reading, driving and prolonged hours of computer work.   I found I needed progressive glasses for the first time in my life.  Strangely enough, I took a liking to the fact that I have yet gone into another stage of growth and proposed the synopsis that I'm viewing things more clearly in these more mature years.
With this clarity, I have been testing my ability to envision the future, heal from the past and help others grasp the possibility of a more positive view on life in general.  These characteristics are also unveiling a need to connect with past pains, unsolved trials and blocked memories that I so conveniently have deleted; choosing not to see because I figure, 'what's past is forgotten' but is it really?  The funniest thing about it all is that it isn't just me.  Others around me are 'finding themselves' as well, and in their connection to me, I am morphed through inclusion and remembering too.  Is it fundamentally so hard to believe that we all "see" together?  And if we are collectively open, understanding and loving about the healing process, we'll never have to be alone in the search for understanding.
For example, my grandfather is over 50 years older than I yet in a much need conversation just yesterday, I found that this estranged member of our remaining elders has more in common with my expressions of kindness and paying forward mentality than I ever would have thought when I was growing up in Kansas.  He was a whole different person then with a whole different role.  His views were more dominating and he wasn't much of a conversationalist.  He was the provider, out of sight and my grandmother entertained the matriarch role.
In our conversation, he made mention that after my daughter passed in the early 80's, I would stay in my room and play the saddest songs on my flute.  Sadly enough, I don't even recollect his presence during the ordeal, playing my flute however on the contrary, I do remember that when I lost Kara, my desire for music art was buried with her.
It's surprising that every few years or so, as the environment changes,  as we mature or as the universe shifts as loved ones pass away, that all of our roles change.  Purpose and meaning takes on a less 'blurry' picture, the fine print is less argumentative and the simple definition of life is all that rings divine.
What I see as most important now is that we all have the capability to change our prescription for life's journey.  It's comforting to know that there is something for us all to slip over the fuzziness that will make things clearer.  Through God, your faith, family and loved ones you care for and about, you can see the resolve and take the necessary steps to move forward in healing and caring for the treasured gift of a fresh new awakening of clear sight.
God bless and take care...

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